Hotel Link Pay Disbursement Report

Learn how to view every deposit into your bank account and all transactions associated with each payout.

The disbursement report allows you to view every deposit of your earnings from transactions, along with the transaction details associated with each payment, in your bank account.

Go access the report navigate to Reports > Hotel Link Pay Disbursement Report.

Setting the filters in the report

Here are the fields you can use to generate and narrow down your search:

Merchant: If you manage multiple properties, select the appropriate name from the list.
From Date - To Date: Select the date range you are interested in.
Payout ID: Search for a specific payout using its ID.
Status: Filter payouts by status: 'Completed', 'Not Paid Out', and 'Pending'. 

Understanding the report

The report will show all payouts based on the search criteria:

Payout Date: You can view the payout date, and by clicking on the arrow located to the immediate left, you can access a list of all transactions associated with the payout date.
Merchant Name: The name of the business that made the transaction.
Charge Amount: The charge amount, representing the total of all transaction charges associated with the payout.
Charge Fee: The Hotel Link pay fee, the sum of all fees associated with each payout.
Payout Amount:
The payout amount, which is the charge amount minus the charge fee.
Receivable Amount:
The Receivable Amount represents the total sum of all payouts made to you up to the present date. This includes any unpaid amounts from previous payout cycles, which are carried over and added to the most recent payout amount. Therefore, if there are no unpaid amounts from earlier cycles, the Receivable Amount will match the latest payout amount.
Status: You can view the payment status here. If the payments are made, the status is marked as 'Completed'. If they are not paid, the status will indicate 'Not Paid Out'.
Log: If you click on the 'View Logs' link next to each payout item, you can see the date, time, and the person who processed this payment.


To download the report in .csv format, click on the 'Download' link.
