To set up your property's contact details, go to the 'Accommodation Setup' page. To access it, log in to the extranet and click on 'Setup' in the main menu.
On this page, you can update the following details for your property:
- Accommodation name
- Address
- Country
- Destination
- State
- Postal code
- Contact person
- General email: This is the main email address for guest inquiries and general contact. It will also be displayed on your website.
- Reservation email: This is the email address where you'll receive booking notifications. It will be used by your booking engine.
- Invoice email: This is the email address where you'll receive monthly invoice notifications.
- Main phone number
- Secondary phone number (optional)
- Accommodation type: This is the type of accommodation that best describes your property.
- Star rating: This can be your official or unofficial rating.
- Number of rooms: the total number of rooms in your property.