Website blog feature

Hotel Link website templates feature a blog functionality for you to keep your visitors informed and engaged.

Having a blog on your hotel website offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your online presence and engagement with your audience. Here are a few reasons why your hotel website should have a blog.

Improved SEO and Visibility: A blog allows you to regularly publish fresh, relevant content. Search engines like Google favor websites that regularly update content, potentially boosting your website's search engine rankings and visibility.

Showcase Local Expertise: Use the blog to showcase your knowledge about the local area, attractions, events, and insider tips. This positions your hotel as an authority in the area, attracting travelers seeking authentic experiences.

Storytelling and Branding: Share your hotel's story, values, and unique features through blog posts. Effective storytelling helps to build a strong brand identity, allowing guests to connect with your hotel on a more personal level.

Promote Special Offers and Packages: Use the blog to promote your special offers, packages, or seasonal discounts. It's an effective way to generate interest and drive bookings directly on your website.

Educational Content: Provide useful and informative content related to travel tips, packing guides, local insights, or events happening in your area. Educational content adds value to your visitors and keeps them engaged.

Drive Traffic to Other Pages: Use your blog to link to other important pages on your website, such as room booking, amenities, or dining options. This helps in channeling traffic and improving navigation.

How to create a blog post

To create a blog post and publish it in your website, please follow the steps below:

Navigate to Website > Website Development > Blog.

Create a title and an introduction for the main blog page. Click on 'new post'.
In the pop-up that appears, enter all the necessary information for the blog post:

  • Post title
  • Post URL
  • Post Content
  • Featured Image
  • Post Date
  • Post Meta Title and Meta Descriptions
  • Click 'Save'

The blog post will be immediately published on your website.