How to block the room availability?

The Stop Sell feature will close the rate plan availability on all connected OTAs, booking engine, and offline reservations through the extranet.

Creating a Stop Sell

To create a Stop Sale, follow these steps:

  • Access Booking Engine > Rates and Availability
  • Click on the "Monthly Rate Plan Update" tab.
  • Click on "Stop Sell" to view the list of room types and their corresponding rate plans.
  • Select the dates or time period for each rate plan that you wish to close out.
  • Go to “Change Stop Sale to” and select On.
  • Click Save.
  • A red asterisk will mark the blocked dates on the calendar.

By following the above steps, you will impose this restriction on your Standard Rates.

Creating Stop Sale for Specific Channels

To create a Stop Sale that applies to a particular sales channel, follow these steps:

  • Access Booking Engine > Rates and Availability
  • Click on the "Yearly Rate Plan Update" tab.
  • Choose the rate plan to which you want to apply the Stop Sale.
  • From the "Connected" list in the dropdown, select the channel to which you want to apply the Stop Sale. You will notice a message indicating that you are currently making modifications to the particular channel, and any changes you make will not impact your Standard Rates.
  • Select the dates or time period for each rate plan that you wish to close out.
  • Go to “Change Stop Sale to” and select On.
  • Click Save.
  • A red asterisk will mark the blocked dates on the calendar.

Currently, it is only possible to update one rate plan at a time using the "Yearly Rate Plan Update" option. Also, please note that following the steps mentioned above to add a Stop Sale will only restrict availability on the selected channel.


 Remove a Stop Sell

To remove a Stop Sell, follow the same step-by-step process as mentioned above, but instead of selecting "On" under "Change Stop Sale to", select "Off" and then click on "Save".