How to Split/Extract Room Bookings?

Discover how to split/extract room bookings when you need to keep track of detailed booking extras or services for specific rooms.

What is Split/ Extract Room Bookings?

Split/Extract room bookings is the action of extracting one booking item of a booking into another separate booking. After extracting room bookings, the new booking will have only 1 booking item and the booking extras included in that room.

For example:

Extracting booking item (Single King) from the booking:

After splitting:

When do you Split/ Extract Room Bookings?

During the process of room management, sometimes you will receive a booking with lots of rooms. These kinds of reservations can be booked for family, company members, or tour members. How could you keep track of all the booking extras and services in use for each room?

As the example above, it is difficult for hoteliers to follow the booking extras and services used by each room in the booking. It can lead to missing some extras and services revenue. To avoid this risk, Hotel Link provides you with a function to extract room bookings.

When extracting room bookings, you can easily check the booking extras and the total booking amount for that room only. Besides, you can also add in-house discounts separately for specific rooms without affecting the other booking items of the reservation.

How to Split/ Extract Room Bookings

To split/extract room bookings, there are some requirements for your hotel:

  • Have the Front Desk solution activated. 
  • Booking source: Website or offline booking
  • The reservation has at least 2 booking items.

After that, please follow the steps below to split/extract room bookings:

  • Navigate to the 'Booking Management' under 'Front Desk' solution tab.

  • Search for a booking that you would like to extract room bookings. For detailed steps to search for a booking, click here.
  • In the booking details, scroll down to the Room & Extras section. Select 3-dot action next to the room that you would like to extract. Then, click ‘Extract room’ option.

  • After that, a notification popup window will appear to notify you about the action. Click “Yes” to confirm your action.

  • It will redirect you to the new booking details page of that extracted room booking. You need to add the guest name in the Guest details field and then click ‘Save’. This extracted room booking will have a different booking reference.

Once you have extracted a room booking successfully, it will no longer appear in the previous booking and you have to monitor this new booking separately. Therefore, you need to consider carefully before extracting/splitting room bookings.