How to cancel a booking?

To cancel a reservation in the Booking Engine, follow these steps:

  • Go to Booking Engine > Booking Management. 

  • Find the reservation you wish to cancel.

  • Click on the reservation to access the Booking Details page.

Canceling the entire reservation

  • In the Booking Details page click on the Action menu in the Rooms & Extras section
  • In the Status option, click ‘Mark all as cancelled’
  • This action will change the status of all booking items to Cancelled (without penalty) and immediately cancel the booking.
  • To confirm click on ‘Cancel All Items’ in the popup

Cancel a specific service on the reservation

To cancel a service on the reservation, follow these steps:

  • Access the Booking Details page.

  • Navigate to the Room & Extras section.

  • Locate the specific service you wish to cancel and click on the menu icon.

  • Choose the 'Edit booking item' option from the menu.

  • Change the 'status' of the item to 'Cancelled' and save the booking.

Cancel with penalty for no-show bookings

To cancel a service with penalty on the reservation , follow these steps:

  • Access the Booking Details page.

  • Navigate to the Room & Extras section.

  • Locate the specific service you wish to cancel with penalty and click on the menu icon.

  • Choose the 'Edit booking item' option from the menu.
  • Change the 'status' of the item to 'Cancelled With Penalty' and save the booking.
  • Enter the amount to be paid for cancellation in the 'Penalty Fee' field.
  • The booking item will be updated accordingly.