How to connect to Airbnb?

By listing on Airbnb, hotels can tap into this new and diverse audience, expanding their reach beyond the traditional hotel booking platforms. Learn how to connect the Hotel Link Channel Manager to your Airbnb account.

Before getting started, please ensure that there are no other channel manager apps already linked to your Airbnb account. You can find and remove the list of connected apps in the privacy and sharing settings of your Airbnb account.

In order to connect successfully to Airbnb, please follow the instructions below:

  • Log in to the extranet.
  • Navigate to the Channel Manager section.
  • Select Airbnb from the list of channels.
  • Click the "Authorize Listing on Airbnb" button on the 'Instructions' tab.
  • In the "Notice" pop-up, you will find two instructions to follow:
    • Open a new tab in your browser and go to ''. Log in with your admin account.
    • Return to the extranet and click the 'Connect with Airbnb' button in the popup to start the connection process.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure you're signed in as a listing admin rather than a co-host. The connection process can not be done if you're logged with a co-hosting account.

You will be redirected to an Airbnb page where you need to authorize the Hotel Link app to proceed with the connection. Check the checkbox to accept the Airbnb Terms and Conditions and then click 'Allow' to continue


  • Once more, you will be redirected back to the Hotel Link extranet.
  • Click the 'Map Channel' button to proceed.
  • On the mapping tab, click on the “Fetch room” button.

When you click 'Fetch Rooms,' the channel manager will access the Airbnb system to retrieve the full list of listings available in your Airbnb account. All your Airbnb listings will be displayed in a table alongside your property listings in the Hotel Link extranet. It's time to map them.


Click the “Save button to save the loaded list in the Hotel Link.

Click the black arrow to convert the Airbnb listing to an API listing (merging). Please wait and DO NOT REFRESH the page until the "Saving Listing API" popup disappears.

Choose the Hotel Link rate plans in the right column to map with the [OTA] listing on the left column and click the “Save” button. The arrow will be changed to blue color for succesful connected listing.

Recommended: Do one rate plan at a time.

IMPORTANT: Your Airbnb listing names must adhere to specific guidelines, excluding commercial content (such as company names), email addresses, emojis, phone numbers, repetitive special characters, website links, or all-capital words.

Price Settings

Each listing mapped with Airbnb have optional pricing settings that can be set in the Hotel Link extranet. In the mapping page, click on the wrench icon to define prices for:

  • Cleaning fee
  • Security deposit
  • Extra guests
  • Weekend pricing

How to disconnect 

To disconnect a listing, click on the arrow icon (blue color) for a connected listing. The arrow icon will be changed back to black color.

Your listing will remain active on Airbnb but will no longer update from the Hotel Link channel manager. Please note that this change cannot be reversed on Airbnb. To sync your listing again, you must reactivate the connection through Hotel Link.