New Revenue Report By Booking

A comprehensive overview of the revenue generated across all room types and other important metrics, easier to track and analyze data more intuitively.

The 'New Revenue Report By Booking' allows users to filter and generate reports based on specific criteria, such as time period, booking source, and room type. This flexibility ensures that users can customize reports to meet their specific needs.

To access this report, navigate to Reports > Revenue Reports > New Revenue Report By Booking

Understanding the report

The New Revenue Report by Booking includes 3 main fields:

Printout Condition: Users will select the type of report they want to print and the report layout format. There are 3 primary parts:

  • Accommodation: For Admin and Partner account, you can search for a hotel that you want to export the report.
  • Revenue recognition by: Select how to recognize revenue in the report. There are 2 options:
    • Stay Duration: calculates revenue for the entire booking period
    • Nights in Period: allocates revenue to specific nights within the selected period.

      For example: The booking has stay dates 7 Jan 2025 - 10 Jan 2025. If select:
      • Stay duration: The report shows 3 nights
      • Nights in Period: If the period in Filter section is 1 Jan 2025 - 8 Jan 2025, the report will show 2 total nights (excluding 9 Jan 2025 since it is out of the selected date range)
  • Detailed by: Allow users to choose how the report should be detailed:
    • Line items (Default): Breaks down the report by individual line items (including booking extras, taxes & fees)
    • Room types (Coming soon): Breaks down the report by grouping different room types.

Filter: The conditions for users to filter the bookings they want to display in the report. There are 5 main parts:

  • Period: Period is the duration calculated by the number of nights a guest stays at a hotel (the maximum allowed selection period is 3 months). Users can generate reports based on different night stay ranges.Date picker
  • Booking source: Select the booking source: OTA bookings (Channel Managers), direct bookings (Booking Widget, Website) and offline bookings (for in-person or phone bookings).
  • Source type: Choose the specific platform for the bookings. This field is only applied if the booking source is Channel Manager.
    If you select booking source is Channel Manager and another booking source, this field will be locked.
  • Booking status: Filter bookings by their current status, including: Confirmed, Operational, Completed, Cancelled, Cancelled With Penalty, No Show, No Show With Penalty.
  • Currency: Select the currency in which you wish to view the data. If you choose more than one currency, the report will be divided into separate sheets for each currency. Select a sheet to view data for a specific currency.


The data download instruction will show the filtered data that you have selected in the 2 fields above so that you can preview the data before downloading the report.

Once completed, you can choose to 'View summary' or 'Filter and Download' the report.