Retrieving OTA bookings in the Calendar

Learn how to manage and confirm bookings from OTAs, even in cases where the bookings aren't automatically imported into the Hotel Link Channel Manager.

What is booking retrieval?

'Booking retrieval' refers to the process of collecting booking information, usually from OTAs, and importing the booking details into the Channel Manager. The Channel Manager frequently 'calls' the OTA to check for new bookings, modifications, and cancellations. This process is automated between the OTA and the Hotel Link Channel Manager. Nevertheless, in certain instances of connection errors, manual booking retrieval may be necessary.

When do you need to retrieve a booking manually?

Manual booking retrieval between the channel manager and OTA becomes necessary when there are issues with the automated process. These issues can occur due to technical glitches, communication errors, or disruptions in the connection between the two systems. In such cases, the manual retrieval ensures that booking information is still obtained and synchronized correctly, preventing any discrepancies or missed reservations.

Retrieve OTA bookings in the Calendar

Please follow the steps below to retrieve OTA bookings in the Calendar:


  • Navigate to Front Desk > Calendar.
  • Click on the 'Actions' button and choose 'Retrieve OTA Booking' from the dropdown menu.
  • The 'Retrieve OTA Booking' popup will appear. Select the OTA and paste the booking ID/Reference Number.
  • Click 'Retrieve'.

Please be aware that bookings will be retrieved according to the rules of each OTA. To understand more about this retrieval process, we recommend reading this article.