Learn what is the unsettled booking status and how to act when an unsettled booking arrives from the booking widget.
How is an 'Unsettled' booking generated?
A booking with the ‘Unsettled’ status is a direct booking made via widget, wesbite or mobile that, due to an error during the booking process - a short outage or a payment gateway error - arrives without a payment confirmation.
How to act?
A notification email with the subject line 'Attention: Unsettled Booking | {Booking ID}' is sent to the hotel every time an 'Unsettled' booking arrives. The email notification will list the reason and the traveler's contact details. The system will hold the booking's availability for 30 minutes.
During this time, hotels should confirm if the payment went through. If everything is confirmed, the hotel needs to update the booking status from 'unsettled' to 'confirmed' and send the voucher to the travelers. Below is an example of the email notification:
Dear Demo Hotel Link,
It looks like the payment for booking WE28F71617003668 from Wallace Faria was not completed successfully. When the payment can't be confirmed the booking is set with Unsettled status. Please check your payment gateway provider to see if the payment was completed, and contact the traveller at wall.ffaria@gmail.com.br or +5531975996680 for clarification if necessary. If the payment is confirmed, please make sure you change the booking status from Unsettled to Confirmed.
Best regards,
Hotel Link
Unsettled Booking Status in the Calendar