Sending booking confirmation and voucher to guests

Learn how to send the booking confirmation email and the voucher to your guest. A must do for offline bookings.

Booking confirmation

Providing a booking confirmation assures the guest that their reservation has been successfully made and acknowledged by the hotel. This confirmation helps in avoiding any confusion or disputes regarding the booking details. The booking confirmation email includes details such as the guest's name, arrival date, length of stay, reserved room, and booking value.

When should you send it?

During the booking management process, there are specific instances when sending the booking confirmation and voucher to guests is necessary:

  • Guests have not received the booking confirmation email from your hotel.
  • Modifications on ,check-in or check-out dates, room selection, extras, etc.
  • For offline bookings, where the reservation is manually created in the extranet.

How to send it

To send the booking confirmation and voucher to guests, please follow these steps:

  • Access the Hotel Link Extranet.
  • Navigate to 'Booking Management.'
  • Search for the specific booking.
  • Click on the booking reference number to open the booking details page.
  • Scroll down the page and select 'Notifications.'
  • Choose the 'Send Guest Notification' option.
  • In the popup that appears, click on 'Proceed.'

Please note that if the email is missing from the Guest Profile, the option to 'Send Guest Notification' will not be available in the Notifications feature.

It's still possible to send the 'hotelier' a booking email confirmation.